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Institutions and organizations for refugees in Romania

 In Romania there are international organizations, Romanian state institutions and NGOs for refugees. The most important organizations are the Romanian Refugee Agency - representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees; General Inspectorate for Immigration - Romanian state body that manages asylum applications; The Romanian National Council for Refugees - CNRR and Save the Children - the last two are non-governmental organizations that provide counseling, legal representation, basic needs, facilitating access to medical and social services.

 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) - UN Refugee Agency in Romania

Primăverii Boulevard no. 48A, Bucharest 011975

Phone: (0040-21) 201 78 73 / from Romania call 021-201.78.73

Fax: (0040-21) 210 15 94


video - Who are the refugees in Romania and what are their rights?

 UNHCR - Who we are

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was established on 14 December 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and coordinate international refugee protection operations. Its main purpose is to protect the rights and well-being of refugees. Struggle to ensure that everyone can exercise their right to seek asylum and seek refuge in another state, with the option of returning home voluntarily, integrating locally or relocating to another state the country. UNHCR also has a mandate to help stateless people (stateless persons).

Since 1950, UNHCR has helped tens of millions of people return to life with dignity. Today, more than 9,300 employees in more than 123 countries continue to help approximately 43.8 million refugees, internally displaced persons and stateless persons worldwide.

In addition to the UN Agency, which is an international office, there is also the Romanian National Refugee Council, a Romanian NGO.

Romanian National Council for Refugees

Viesparilor Street, no. 19, 2nd floor, sector 2, Bucharest, Romania 

+4 021 312 62 10 

+4 031 405 02 75

Online assistance:

The Romanian National Council for Refugees Foundation (CNRR) is a non-governmental organization founded in 1998 with the status of public utility since 2003.

CNRR's mission is to promote and defend by all legal means the human rights in general and the rights of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in particular.

CNRR offers social assistance and legal consulting services within its specialized departments.

see the activities and services offered by CNRR :

counseling, legal assistance, interpretation and translation in regional centers in Bucharest, Giurgiu, Galati, Timisoara, Maramures and Radauti, as well as asylum seekers outside the accommodation centers, including in transit areas or at border crossing points; other services

The institution that belongs to the Romanian state and that deals with refugees is 

Inspectorate General for Immigration

Str. Lieutenant Colonel Constantin Marinescu 15A, Bucharest 061344

Goal. +4 021 410 9940

Public relations IGI Headquarters: 021.410.99.40



To apply for asylum


Organism dedicated to childrens:

Save the Children

Save the Children Romania organization promotes and defends the rights of the refugee or asylum-seeking child.

The purpose of Save the Child interventions is to ensure and promote respect for the rights of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, but also to help improve their situation by providing integrated services to respond promptly to children's needs upon arrival in Romania during the procedure. asylum and after obtaining international protection, in order to integrate socially and educationally.

Services provided by Save the Children:

Daily schedule for children in the accommodation centers

Facilitating access to education and cultural accommodation

Basic needs services

Facilitating access to social and medical services

Social, psychological and legal counseling for children and adults

Specialized advice on the rights and obligations associated with the statute

Contacts Save the Children

Intr. Ștefan Furtună no. 3, sector 1, 010899, Bucharest, Romania

Phone: +40 21 316 61 76 | Fax: +40 21 312 44 86


site - Romanian language only:

international website:

Romanian version of this page - Instituții și organizații pentru refugiați în România


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