Dante Alighieri - Possible Photos

Why did Dante’s nose grow in centuries? Hi everyone! You may never have wondered what the old writers who marked the history of literature looked like in real life. Now, with the help of AI, we can have quality answers, including questions that no one has asked themselves, such as this one. The possible portraits project, made with AI technologies and photographic editing techniques, attempts to imagine, based on existing portraits and historical descriptions, possible images of historical personalities seen as if they were our contemporaries. Unlike many other ancient writers, Dante Alighieri has been portrayed since his lifetime. Therefore, some images were preserved – more or less realistic, since he lived before the Great Renaissance, who, properly, reinvented the art of portrait, giving it realism and naturalness. Dante’s portraits show us a sober man with a rather large nose. But not over measure. His nose grew in the drawings and representations of later centuries until an iconic, easily recognizable – but unrealistic – image emerged.
